The Box

Oh no, don’t you put me in a box
You know what you can do with those locks
Bet your life I’ll come crawling out again
You’ll have to deal with me then
You’ll hear me in the wind

– Kristen Hersh

A Cat’s World

When is it enough?

Where there’s garbage that’s thrown at you-

Who determine’s my level of worth?

Who’s world are we in?

Is it a human world, or is it a cat’s world?

Your perceptions don’t fit in my world…

I know my worth!

I’m a cat…

I own this world!


Fun is all I want today

Just to have fun-

To walk in the sun

And, to feel the soft shadows of light touching my face

And, the warmth of your eyes gazing brightly towards me

To anticipate a leap of faith that brings us closer to the center of our being

I want to be excited to see you again

I want to fly to the part of you that resides high above the stars

My heart reaches far from the place I am now

But I know it’s there 

I feel it with every part of my being 

It’s true that all this fun is buried deep inside me…

Waiting to shine out and bring that light to you

Slow Poison

Am I wrong to want better from you?

You feed me a few nibbles- 

The same thing you fed me the day before.

You don’t know me-

I keep looking to you- for you-

In hopes of change-

You can’t see what I really need.

What I want.

You see what you believe.

I am a picture of a cat 

In your mind.

No substance behind the image you see.

Please don’t poison me with your cat concepts-

You have no clue what you are dishing out.

I watch you in disdain.

It’s like you overlook what it takes to keep me alive-

In essence.

Slow poison. 

You don’t know.

My Old Friends

My old friends-

I’ve changed.

I’m not who I used to be when we met.

I can’t understand you anymore.

You are not where I want to go.

I want to follow my own path-

Away from the gossip and the pretentious barking.

You prefer the path well walked-

Safety and comfort of the subordinate life.

You play the part. You’re always served.

You look different now-

Or, do I.

Like a stray-

I don’t fit in.

You’ve changed.

I’ve once walked with you, but no more.

You are not my destiny.

Your fancy comforts-

My soul rejects.

We have nothing in common anymore.

Our desires are not in line-

We don’t see eye to eye.

I would rather walk alone.

Hate Cats?

There are people who hate me just because I’m a cat.

The only reason!

They say, “ I hate cats!”

They don’t care to get to know, “me”!

What I believe , who I am, my virtues, my flaws.

They just say they hate cats!

They judge me before I can even meow!

What if I said, “ I hate humans!”

They’re all the same!

What kind of cat would I be then?

Pretty unpleasant at least towards humans.

You wouldn’t want to get near me-

You would probably call me an evil cat!

The only thing that would be evil-

The one true factor of evilness

Is just like them

My preconceived notion-

My judgement!

The beginning thought that I had decided to make

That I hate humans!

All my bad traits- at least in regards to humans

Stems from that thought and every action 

I would take from that original thought of hate and judgement!

So, if you hate cats , what does that say about you?

Useless Cat

Useless cat

They tell me!

All the time

I wonder why am I here?

I never do anything right

Always in the way of whatever the agenda is.

Maybe I’m just around the wrong humans.

Maybe someone else would appreciate how I am different.

If I’m not good enough for you, there are plenty of other cats in the world.

Find another cat!

If I don’t fit in your mold of what you want

Set me free!

So I can find a human who loves me without  condition!

Don’t call me useless cat.

I don’t exist to be used by you.

Remember Me

Do you see me?

Lost in anxiety

Do you remember me?

I am a picture

Of a cat in your mind

No food for thought

Of the reality of me

Do you see?

Stop seeing me

Start knowing me


I should be simpler!

There’s no need to complicate things.

Complicate myself.

Drama’s useless!

Don’t be pulled in.

Don’t get caught up-

Only leads to a path that goes nowhere.

Simply look ahead-

I only see you.